
People That I Hate

This Website is devoted to the people in life who are sucking the soul from society. From media whores, to idiotic popstars, to politicians. The world must be told the truth. For too long people have lived with their minds glazed over, accepting what the media present to them. Now is the time to take a stand and say no. As Peter Finch in Network said "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Hate List

Top 5

1(1). Robbie Williams - Self important professional heterosexual
2(-). Geri Halliwell - Dillusional fag-hag
3(3). Tony Blair - Evil smiley bastard
4(5). Jamie Oliver - Thick patronising cockney git
5(2). Chris Evans - Ginger egomaniac

They are slowing down evolution by existing!
These people are destroying our collective consciousness by existing. They must be stopped. STOP BUYING THEIR RECORDS, STOP WATCHING THEIR PROGRAMMES, STOP BUYING THEIR BOOKS, STOP VOTING FOR THEM! I would appreciate your comments (positive or negative)

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